A new college opens at Junior Achievement Finance Park
Jefferson Community and Technical College opens storefront at Junior Achievements Finance Park
Author: Jillian Cantu
Community Involvement
Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023

Image caption: Young boy smiling for a picture for his future college id.
Junior Achievement of Kentuckiana has teamed up with Jefferson Community and Technical College to open a mock Jefferson Campus in JA Finance Park®, Junior Achievement’s capstone program for personal financial planning and career exploration.
Officials from Jefferson and Junior Achievement, and students from Newburg Middle School will participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the new location in Finance Park on Friday, November 17.
The JA Finance Park program, comprising a curriculum and a simulation, helps students build a foundation on which they can make intelligent financial decisions that last a lifetime, including decisions related to income, expenses, savings, and credit.
Jefferson Community and Technical College is one of the latest additions to Finance Park in 2023.
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